Monday, September 29, 2008

A few observations...

I have made a few observations about Japanese life during my short stay here.... Japan is the most efficient, awesomest country ever in some ways, yet in some ways, they are just... not.

Efficiency/ Greatness
1. Public Transportation
Japan has the public transportation thing down, yo. If you want to get somewhere, you can take a train or bus pretty darn close to that location, and then walk the rest of the way. Although extremely crowded at times (I mean, chest to chest, breathing in another person's face kind of crowded) trains show just how much people utilize public transportation. I can make it to class in about 45 min via foot/train/subway versus what might take a heck of a lot longer during rush hour in a car.

2. Anti-car greatness....
Although Japan has some pretty sweet cars riding around, people tend to not use them all that much in Tokyo. They're just a pain in a big city. Instead people walk everywhere (how do those Japanese girls do it in 4 inch heels? I have yet to see a young Japanese girl in any sort of flat, comfy shoe...) or ride their bikes. Oh the bikes... you are bound to be run over by one any given day because they are everywhere! And the things people can do on bikes... I've seen moms with a child sitting in the back and front of her bike, with a baby strapped to her chest, holding an umbrella. Bike riders are that talented.

3. Energy saving...
The toilets in my house have sinks on top of them. They use the running water that fills up the tanks of the toilet. The dorm I stayed at had a place to put your room key when you entered the room that would allow you to turn on the lights, so that when you left and took your key with you, the lights would automatically turn off. Again, the public transportation/ anti-car greatness. And my family does not possess a dryer for the laundry. A few of many examples I've seen...

Anti-greatness (abridged version)
1. About the energy saving thing...
I think it's mostly to save money, not because people care about the planet. If you go to a store and buy anything, it is guaranteed to come with a plastic bag. If you go to the local 7-11 an buy a pack of gum, most likely it will be handed to you in a plastic shopping bag. Yuck. Also- excessive packaging for everything. If you buy a boxed lunch, it's probably wrapped 3 times in plastic and then has individually wrapped everything inside of it. Hmmm

2. Foreigner fear....
I get it, I look different than most Japanese people- but really, really? Must you stare so intently? ugh...

3. Why must we wait at the street corner in the pouring rain if the walk sign says don't walk if nobody is coming from any direction? Argh...

So far the good has outweighed the bad, which is a good sign, I think. I'm having fun, and hope it wil stay that way for the rest of the year...


Anonymous said...

It is good to hear you are alive and well. How do you dry your clothes?
Inquiring Moms want to know

Unknown said...

they are probably looking at your boobs. sorry, I think your mom reads this. but I couldn't resist! :)

Kyla said...

the energy thing is similar here...we dry clothes on a line, have energy saving toilets (although the sink toilet thing sounds like y'all are a step ahead :D ), and all the hotels have the key turns the light on thing, but paper and cloth bags are basically unheard of- how weird.