Sunday, March 8, 2009


What an awesome experience this last month was....
So my program requires that all students complete a one-month long spring practicum. I decided to go to Nigata, a very rural prefecture among the mountains about 2 hours from Tokyo, along with Cory from my program.

The main street in the town we stayed in.

Right before we were about to leave, Cory and I were told we could no longer go to Nigata, as our planned homestay fell through. So, we were ready to go to Shimane instead. But then we were told, no we were actually going to go to Nigata still, but we were going to stay in a group home for the elderly. Um... what?

Turns out the group home situation really wasn't that bad. It was this house that was formerly owned by some Japanese CEO dude, but he went bankrupt and had to sell it. It was a really big, pretty, traditional style Japanese house, and could hold 10 old people. At the time Cory and I stayed there, there were 8 old people. Overall the experience at the old person house was interesting, although the food was less than great, as some of our housemates didn't have teeth, and there was a lot of vegetables, which were always grey in color. Yum. The caregivers ranged from a really interesting younger woman, to the most awkward woman I've ever met in my life, who was always concerned with what Cory and I were up to.

The group home aka "midori ie" after a random 3 days of heavy snow. It was really pretty.

My housemates at dinnertime.

What was really fun was the Hoikuen. Everyday, Cory and I helped out at a preschool. This preschool was pretty rockin. The teachers were really enthusiastic, and the decorating was out of control. At first it was really difficult, as I couldn't understand a lot of what the little kids were saying, but then I grew to really love playing with them and getting to know kids on an individual level. I could tell the teachers were greatful for the help, especially Kai sensei, who had to manage a class of 25 5-year-olds by herself. Yikes. One interesting thing very different from America was lunchtime. In America, kids head to the cafeteria when the lunch bell rings... not in Japan though. The teacher sets out the food, and then the class eats together in the classroom, with the teacher. This was interesting multi-tasking, as you had to try to eat, while yelling at kids not to play with their chopsticks/food, and urging those who weren't eating to eat "TABENASAI!" And I had to eat all of my vegetables or else the kids would say "Sensei! Kerry sensei's not eating her vegetables!" Booo.... Luckily the food was waaaaaaaaay better than at the group home...

Me and Cory and... Aozoragumi and Taiyogumi.

With one of our favorite teachers, Kai sensei, and with the whole staff... and those lovely orange aprons.

Hirai sensei was the woman Cory and I were originally supposed to do a homestay with. She is the head teacher at the hoikuen, and is called "grandma sensei" by all the kids there. Cory and I hung out with her on the weekends and on the occassional weekday. She really went out of her way for us in many situations. She took us to see a few temples, which were really beautiful set in the mountains like they were. We also went to an onsen, and ate out to some delicious food. We also went to a history museum about Nigata, which was interesting, and we got to see how the snow in Nigata used to be... like 10 feet of it. Dang. Sometimes we would be accompanied by Umi kun, Hirai sensei's 1 year old grandson. He was quite the troublemaker. "Ararara umi kun" was the phrase spoken by Hirai sensei most often when she was around him.

The first outing to a Temple with Hirai Sensei

This really pretty mountain temple.... it was shaped as a quad, and inside was lots of snow preserved

This house was owned by a wealthy landowner a long time ago... it was so huge and incredibly beautiful. These are the gardens you could see from inside the house.

A typical day in the life of Kerry and Cory in Nigata:
8am: wake up, eat gross breakfast at group home
9am: go to Hoikuen, a 5 min walk from the group home
9am-12am: do various activities with the kids, helping out the teacher
12pm: eat lunch with the kids, then it's ....
1:30pm: naptime for the kids! (and a lot of times naptime for the teachers too...)
1:30pm-3pm: breaktime (a very general timeperiod, sometimes it would be breaktime, sometimes it would be make paper flowers time, always forced consumption of tea time.)
3 pm: kids wake up, then snack time
4pm: playtime! for the oldest kids, that usually meant playing with legos
5 pm: return to group home
5:30: dinnertime! (with the woman with no teeth on my right making gross moaning noises, and the man on my left coughing on my food)
6ish: Cory and I go to combini or supermarket, buy junkfood, return to group home, watch movies or play on computer in Cory's room
Anywhere from 10-12: bedtime!

A couple of exciting events...
I fell down the stairs at the group home. They were very steep wooden ones. And it hurt. Then two old women proceeded to immediately spank me on my ass right where the giant bruise was. Ouch.

The first words my host sister said to me after a month were:
"It's been a long time."
The second set of words my host sister said were:
"Did you get fat?"

I also returned home to found out that my host sister got a job after 5 months of unemployment, my other host sister is getting married, they removed the snuggley winter blanket table thingy, and the cat is even more crazy then ever.
Welcome home Kerry, welcome home.

I think Cory and I had the most rockin' practicum ever. I really enjoyed it and plan on writing back and forth with a couple of the teachers and maybe become the hoikuen's pen-pal. I really hope I can return before I go back to America :) Now, off to meet my parents at the airport...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My winter break has been slow at times, but I'm keeping myself entertained. Apparently the emperor's birthday is a holiday, and the palace grounds are opened up only on this specific day (the 21st, I think...). Soooo I got up early and headed to the palace near Tokyo station with my friend. We recieved cool little Japanse flags and stood in line with all of the elderly Japanese people so we could go see the emperor give a 2 minute speech. It was interesting though, even when the little old Japanese lady behind me kept hitting me in the head with her flag (on purpose I think).

Christmas was uneventful... and lonely....
I wiped out jogging the day before Christmas and scraped my face on the asphalt and screwed up my knee... it was awesome. Then I went to the "lonely single people" Christmas nomikai for kendo, as Japanese people usually celebrate Christmas only amongst couples. On Christmas I spent most of the day wallowing in self-pity alone in my house until my host mom took me out for Thai food, which was delicious... it reminded me a little bit of a Christmas story, that scene where they go out for Chinese food... only different.

For new years it's custom in Japan to make mochi (sticky sweets made from pounded rice), and I was disappointed to find out that my family really doesn't do it. But I actually did get to make mochi at a couple different places... one was with my host mom and dad at our neighbor's house. Our neighbor and her husband and her friend had us over and we got to make mochi, which was fun. We then drank lots of sake and wine, as is custom at any Japanese party, and my host mom embarassed me by mentioning to our neighbor's 28 year old son that I was single and desperately need a boyfriend, as usual.

The following day I went to this random house with a group of American friends which I expected to be a small gathering, but which was in fact a giant mochi-making New Years party with like 50 Japanese guests. We got to try pounding mochi the traditional way, with a giant mallet, which was really fun. We interacted with the drunk old Japanese guys, who can definitely be creepy at times, but it was fun and I'm glad I got to experience it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

It has been a while since I posted anything, I guess... I've been busy though.
I went to an area by Mt. Fuji with the Japan Study program a few weeks ago. It was really pretty but freezing. The weather was also cloudy, so I only got to see the foot of Fuji. It did remind me of one of my goals while in Japan though: to do the sunrise hike on the mountain. You start at like 11 pm and climb to the top where you watch the sunrise. I think it would be amazing.
My host family is hosting a Chinese student for only one day, and we hung out and went sight seeing today. It was interesting, but the one thing I found out and really appreciate is the fact that I kept subconsciously switching to Japanese when talking to her, even though she only speaks Chinese and English. That means I'm beginning to think in Japanese! Yaaaaay!

Omg I fail at posting... I promise I'll try harder though!
I haven't been going to kendo recently, as I've been sick, however the all night nomikai two weeks ago was pretty insane, I'm not gonna lie. On Christmas eve there is a kendo party for "single lonely people." I am definitely in that category and fully intend on going. Dating in Japan is hard- the boys here are crazy shy.
I went to Fujikyu Highland with my host brother, his friend, and Lana. Fujikyu is this awesome amusement park by Mt. Fuji. The whether was amazing, it wasn't crowded at all, and Lana and I got to ride in the front of every roller coaster, which was awesome. I got to check off "riding on Dodanpa (an awesome launch rollercoaster)" from my list of things to do while I'm here. The haunted house we went in was definitely the scariest one I've ever been in- it was themed like a hospital and zombie people chased us etc. Us girls were scared, however my host brother just laughed at us.
I'm frantically trying to plan what I'll do over winter break, but right now it looks like I might be staying in Tokyo. Oh well, I will figure out plenty of things to do, I hope...
Yay commercialistic Christmas! In Japan it's a new celebration, mostly done between couples. It's entirely commercial, almost obnoxiously so. I think I will definitely miss Christmas with the Fam. Oh well, new years should be pretty interesting.

That's all for now- later!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

All I have to say is Obama. I was really sad about how many amazing celebration parties I missed as America finally elected a president we could be proud of. I'm no longer ashamed to be an American. The Japanese perspective was pretty interesting though. I find it very interesting that while Japanese politics are at a high point and with the probable dissemble of Parliament, I really have not seen that much on tv about it that I have really noticed. Also, if you ask the average Japanese college student about Japanese politics, they won't be able to answer. However, if you ask Japanese students about American politics, they usually know something about it. Also on tv during and after the election Obama was on the news all the time. I even see Bush occassionally on tv, even though I feel like he's kind of forgotten in America. What was really amusing was that there's a city called Obama in Japan, and a lot of news coverage was about them whole-heartedly supporting Obama for president. It was quite funny watching them post red and blue flowers on a US map and watching them wave Obama signs and US flags. I really feel like they wouldn't get that excited over a Japanese election. I am so happy I am actually going to return to a country that I like now...
I had my maid cafe interview, however it was quite the adventure. Me and two of my friends arrive in Akihabara with a really bad drawing of a map that I made. I immediately forgot the name of the place I was trying to find, and so we spent like 2 hours trying to find the place. We finally find the actual cafe, but then we find out we are supposed to go to the office. We eventually get there right at the time my interview is supposed to start, and then my friends leave me to wait, which I do, for 1 hour. Then my interview finally takes place, thank God the managers spoke English, and then me and my friends hung around Akihabara. We ate in this delicious restraunt that looked sketchy from the outside, as it was in a basement, but was actually quite pleasant. I ate an entire sea food pizza, which included clams and squid and tuna and shrimp, and it was sooo incredibly delicious. The we headed to Ikebukuro, but apparently the world shuts down there at like 9 at night, except for the DELICIOUS crepe stand on a street, which we took advantage of. Then I came home.
I'm bonding more with my family, I think. The other day we all went to this clothing store sale- it was really nice. My oldest host sister I think has accepted me as the new younger sister, and as such teases/makes fun of me a lot. Good thing I'm used to that already. The other day my host mom and sisters and I went out to Tai food and sat there and ate for like 2 hours. It was really fun and was delicious. I really enjoy that kind of thing.
Not really much else to report... pics are up on facebook if you want to take a look

Sunday, November 2, 2008

ooooh wow, Japan.
Japanese class is kicking my butt. It is really hard to learn like 50 vocab words and 30ish kanji every week. I will survive though. I feel like in the real world, it's becoming easier to express myself though. When I first arrived, my host dad told me it would take 3 months to completely see a change for the better, and it's been 2, so I'm almost to that mark...
Kendo is probably one of the coolest sports ever. It is also one of the most intimidating sports ever, because the sport itself is scary and because there is so much tradition surrounding it that you have to learn about. When you do kendo, you wear a whole bunch of armor and this mask with metal bars on it. Frankly you look a little like a jason-esque axe-murderer. Also you have to scream whenever you try to hit somebody, so whenever practice is going on, it sounds like a full on war is taking place, with the screaming and smacking of shinai (the bamboo sticks) against armor. The club is really nice though and has been helping me a whole bunch. Saturday I got over my fear of yelling and I feel like that really helps. I also got my first kendo blister! yessss... I'm turning into a real kendo person! (I have a loooooong way to go though...)
I have an interview on Saturday for a Maid Cafe. It's a themed cafe where the waitresses dress up and act like anime characters, usually maids. I didn't realize how much I love dressing up until this summer, when I wore costumes once a week- dressing up and pretending to be somebody else for work sounds like fun to me (the extra money wouldn't hurt either...). We'll see how it goes- I hope I get the job.
Oh and for anybody who cares is curious, or wants to send me a little somethin' somethin' my address in Japan is:

Tokyo to suginamiku
honamanuma 2-39-8
ichijyo kata

I am so sad Japan doesn't celebrate Halloween... Oh well, I had fun anyway and went out with some friends while we reminisced about American Halloweens
That's all for now....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

well, I'm finally back in Japan after the brief break for my sister's wedding. The wedding was very nice, however it felt like I had a massive hangover for 5 days because of the jetlag. Coming back was a little bit better, but I am still exhausted. I took a sleeping pill when I got back to Japan that my mother gave me to try to catch up on my sleep, and silly me, I didn't go to bed right away and ended up feeling verrrrry funky...
The economy in both the US and Japan sucks, in case peopel haven't noticed. The exchange rate when I got to the airport yesterday was 94 yen to the dollar (when I got here in September it was like 112 yen to the dollar). And that job I was really banking on fell through. Sucky.
I am excited for Halloween, even though it's kind of a new thing in Japan. I'll probably go to a party or something. I have to find a costume first though...
Now to catch up on all of the stupid homework I missed. A whole bunch of Japanese quizes to be exact...

Friday, October 17, 2008

  Writing anything on Japanese computers is so annoying, let me tell you.. for one thing, the space bar is way too small so I keep on switching the language selection back to hiragana.  grrrr.  The work search is going okay I guess, I have an interview in a week for a sweet private English tutor job, which pays the equivalent of $30-50 per hour. That would be very nice, as I enjoy going out with my friends,but costs add up very quickly.
  Ⅰ joined the Kendo club! I had to buy my own clothing and stick thing, but I get to borrow the armor, which is the most expensive part of the gear.  As I write this, the shop owner is embroidering my robes with my name- sweet. The first practice is tonight, and before you know it, I will be a lean, mean kendo machine!  
  I go back to America in a few days- jet lag, here I come! Going to go take a nap now so I will be awake for kendo practice!