Tuesday, October 28, 2008

well, I'm finally back in Japan after the brief break for my sister's wedding. The wedding was very nice, however it felt like I had a massive hangover for 5 days because of the jetlag. Coming back was a little bit better, but I am still exhausted. I took a sleeping pill when I got back to Japan that my mother gave me to try to catch up on my sleep, and silly me, I didn't go to bed right away and ended up feeling verrrrry funky...
The economy in both the US and Japan sucks, in case peopel haven't noticed. The exchange rate when I got to the airport yesterday was 94 yen to the dollar (when I got here in September it was like 112 yen to the dollar). And that job I was really banking on fell through. Sucky.
I am excited for Halloween, even though it's kind of a new thing in Japan. I'll probably go to a party or something. I have to find a costume first though...
Now to catch up on all of the stupid homework I missed. A whole bunch of Japanese quizes to be exact...

Friday, October 17, 2008

  Writing anything on Japanese computers is so annoying, let me tell you.. for one thing, the space bar is way too small so I keep on switching the language selection back to hiragana.  grrrr.  The work search is going okay I guess, I have an interview in a week for a sweet private English tutor job, which pays the equivalent of $30-50 per hour. That would be very nice, as I enjoy going out with my friends,but costs add up very quickly.
  Ⅰ joined the Kendo club! I had to buy my own clothing and stick thing, but I get to borrow the armor, which is the most expensive part of the gear.  As I write this, the shop owner is embroidering my robes with my name- sweet. The first practice is tonight, and before you know it, I will be a lean, mean kendo machine!  
  I go back to America in a few days- jet lag, here I come! Going to go take a nap now so I will be awake for kendo practice!