Tuesday, October 28, 2008

well, I'm finally back in Japan after the brief break for my sister's wedding. The wedding was very nice, however it felt like I had a massive hangover for 5 days because of the jetlag. Coming back was a little bit better, but I am still exhausted. I took a sleeping pill when I got back to Japan that my mother gave me to try to catch up on my sleep, and silly me, I didn't go to bed right away and ended up feeling verrrrry funky...
The economy in both the US and Japan sucks, in case peopel haven't noticed. The exchange rate when I got to the airport yesterday was 94 yen to the dollar (when I got here in September it was like 112 yen to the dollar). And that job I was really banking on fell through. Sucky.
I am excited for Halloween, even though it's kind of a new thing in Japan. I'll probably go to a party or something. I have to find a costume first though...
Now to catch up on all of the stupid homework I missed. A whole bunch of Japanese quizes to be exact...

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