Sunday, November 2, 2008

ooooh wow, Japan.
Japanese class is kicking my butt. It is really hard to learn like 50 vocab words and 30ish kanji every week. I will survive though. I feel like in the real world, it's becoming easier to express myself though. When I first arrived, my host dad told me it would take 3 months to completely see a change for the better, and it's been 2, so I'm almost to that mark...
Kendo is probably one of the coolest sports ever. It is also one of the most intimidating sports ever, because the sport itself is scary and because there is so much tradition surrounding it that you have to learn about. When you do kendo, you wear a whole bunch of armor and this mask with metal bars on it. Frankly you look a little like a jason-esque axe-murderer. Also you have to scream whenever you try to hit somebody, so whenever practice is going on, it sounds like a full on war is taking place, with the screaming and smacking of shinai (the bamboo sticks) against armor. The club is really nice though and has been helping me a whole bunch. Saturday I got over my fear of yelling and I feel like that really helps. I also got my first kendo blister! yessss... I'm turning into a real kendo person! (I have a loooooong way to go though...)
I have an interview on Saturday for a Maid Cafe. It's a themed cafe where the waitresses dress up and act like anime characters, usually maids. I didn't realize how much I love dressing up until this summer, when I wore costumes once a week- dressing up and pretending to be somebody else for work sounds like fun to me (the extra money wouldn't hurt either...). We'll see how it goes- I hope I get the job.
Oh and for anybody who cares is curious, or wants to send me a little somethin' somethin' my address in Japan is:

Tokyo to suginamiku
honamanuma 2-39-8
ichijyo kata

I am so sad Japan doesn't celebrate Halloween... Oh well, I had fun anyway and went out with some friends while we reminisced about American Halloweens
That's all for now....

1 comment:

Babs of Portland said...

Wait, I literally write your address out like that? Just put Kerry at the top and it will make it there?