Saturday, November 29, 2008

It has been a while since I posted anything, I guess... I've been busy though.
I went to an area by Mt. Fuji with the Japan Study program a few weeks ago. It was really pretty but freezing. The weather was also cloudy, so I only got to see the foot of Fuji. It did remind me of one of my goals while in Japan though: to do the sunrise hike on the mountain. You start at like 11 pm and climb to the top where you watch the sunrise. I think it would be amazing.
My host family is hosting a Chinese student for only one day, and we hung out and went sight seeing today. It was interesting, but the one thing I found out and really appreciate is the fact that I kept subconsciously switching to Japanese when talking to her, even though she only speaks Chinese and English. That means I'm beginning to think in Japanese! Yaaaaay!

Omg I fail at posting... I promise I'll try harder though!
I haven't been going to kendo recently, as I've been sick, however the all night nomikai two weeks ago was pretty insane, I'm not gonna lie. On Christmas eve there is a kendo party for "single lonely people." I am definitely in that category and fully intend on going. Dating in Japan is hard- the boys here are crazy shy.
I went to Fujikyu Highland with my host brother, his friend, and Lana. Fujikyu is this awesome amusement park by Mt. Fuji. The whether was amazing, it wasn't crowded at all, and Lana and I got to ride in the front of every roller coaster, which was awesome. I got to check off "riding on Dodanpa (an awesome launch rollercoaster)" from my list of things to do while I'm here. The haunted house we went in was definitely the scariest one I've ever been in- it was themed like a hospital and zombie people chased us etc. Us girls were scared, however my host brother just laughed at us.
I'm frantically trying to plan what I'll do over winter break, but right now it looks like I might be staying in Tokyo. Oh well, I will figure out plenty of things to do, I hope...
Yay commercialistic Christmas! In Japan it's a new celebration, mostly done between couples. It's entirely commercial, almost obnoxiously so. I think I will definitely miss Christmas with the Fam. Oh well, new years should be pretty interesting.

That's all for now- later!

1 comment:

Babs of Portland said...

Yay for posting comments. Glad to hear you're busy and learning Japanese! Check out my blog to see about photos and the video. I don't think the bloopers made it to the blog. Might be worth ordering the video to entertain yourself over there!