Saturday, November 8, 2008

All I have to say is Obama. I was really sad about how many amazing celebration parties I missed as America finally elected a president we could be proud of. I'm no longer ashamed to be an American. The Japanese perspective was pretty interesting though. I find it very interesting that while Japanese politics are at a high point and with the probable dissemble of Parliament, I really have not seen that much on tv about it that I have really noticed. Also, if you ask the average Japanese college student about Japanese politics, they won't be able to answer. However, if you ask Japanese students about American politics, they usually know something about it. Also on tv during and after the election Obama was on the news all the time. I even see Bush occassionally on tv, even though I feel like he's kind of forgotten in America. What was really amusing was that there's a city called Obama in Japan, and a lot of news coverage was about them whole-heartedly supporting Obama for president. It was quite funny watching them post red and blue flowers on a US map and watching them wave Obama signs and US flags. I really feel like they wouldn't get that excited over a Japanese election. I am so happy I am actually going to return to a country that I like now...
I had my maid cafe interview, however it was quite the adventure. Me and two of my friends arrive in Akihabara with a really bad drawing of a map that I made. I immediately forgot the name of the place I was trying to find, and so we spent like 2 hours trying to find the place. We finally find the actual cafe, but then we find out we are supposed to go to the office. We eventually get there right at the time my interview is supposed to start, and then my friends leave me to wait, which I do, for 1 hour. Then my interview finally takes place, thank God the managers spoke English, and then me and my friends hung around Akihabara. We ate in this delicious restraunt that looked sketchy from the outside, as it was in a basement, but was actually quite pleasant. I ate an entire sea food pizza, which included clams and squid and tuna and shrimp, and it was sooo incredibly delicious. The we headed to Ikebukuro, but apparently the world shuts down there at like 9 at night, except for the DELICIOUS crepe stand on a street, which we took advantage of. Then I came home.
I'm bonding more with my family, I think. The other day we all went to this clothing store sale- it was really nice. My oldest host sister I think has accepted me as the new younger sister, and as such teases/makes fun of me a lot. Good thing I'm used to that already. The other day my host mom and sisters and I went out to Tai food and sat there and ate for like 2 hours. It was really fun and was delicious. I really enjoy that kind of thing.
Not really much else to report... pics are up on facebook if you want to take a look

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